RAPP mobilizes its research through an integrated knowledge mobilization process and a strategic communication plan. This ensures that knowledge created is shared beyond academia and, in the words of Henry Marshall Tory (the first president of the University of Alberta), is used “for the public good.”
Governments, service providers, and not-for-profit agencies use our research to inform policies, improve practices and programs, and advocate for better support for older adults and family/friend caregivers. The media often interview our team members to inform the public of issues associated with growing older and family/friend care. Below are examples of our knowledge mobilization efforts.
Recent conference presentations

- Canadian Association on Gerontology conference in Toronto, Oct 26-28, 2023. Dr. Shanika Donalds’ poster presentation on Family ties of older Caribbean migrants: Patterns of agency and obligation.
- Gerontological Society of America conference in Tampa, FL, November 8-12, 2023. Dr. Norah Keating’s poster presentation on Care trajectories and well-being outcomes of older carers.
Recent academic articles
- Combining work and care: Carer leave and related employment policies in international context, 2024
- Valuing the contributions of family caregivers to the Care Economy, in Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 2023 [Open Access]
- Technology and Care in Canada, chapter in the edited book Care Technologies for Ageing Societies: An International Comparison, 2023
- Sustainable care: theorising the well-being of caregivers to older persons, in International Journal of Care and Caring, 2021 [Open Access]
- Trajectories of family care over the life course: evidence from Canada, in Aging & Society, 2020 [Open Access]
- Caregivers’ failure to thrive: A case for health and continuing care systems transformation, in Healthcare Management Forum, 2020 [Open Access]
- The care capacity goals of family carers and the role of technology in achieving them, in BMC Geriatrics, 2020 [Open Access]
- The cost of caring: out-of-pocket expenditures and financial hardship among Canadian carers, in International Journal of Care and Caring, 2020
- Critical human ecology and global contexts of rural ageing, chapter in the edited book Rural Gerontology: Towards Critical Perspectives on Rural Ageing, 2021
Top 5 most-read articles in 2019 and 2020
Three of our articles were among the TOP 5 most-read articles published in 2019 and 2020 in the International Journal of Care and Caring.
- The positive effects of caring for family carers of older adults: a scoping review, 2020
- Towards sustainable family care: using goals to reframe the user-centred design of technologies to support carers, 2019
- Life course trajectories of family care, 2019
Recent blog posts
- The value and distribution of family caregiving in Canada as part of the Vanier Institute of the Family’s Research Snapshots
- Insights on retaining employed family caregivers in your talent pool in collaboration with the Vanier Institute of the Family
- Family Day imagery neglects family caregivers’ care work; it needs to be valued in The Conversation Canada – academic rigor with journalistic flair
- How can we sustain family caregivers’ capacity to care? What caregivers need and how technology can help provide it, in BMC Geriatrics.
- Using technology to support caregivers of persons with dementia in The Conversation Canada – academic rigor with journalistic flair.
- Recognizing carers in Canada and understanding their barriers to technology adoption in AGE-WELL’s Policy Innovation Hub APPTA Ideas
Recent infographics
- Employed caregivers in Canada, May 2023
- Value of family caregiving in Canada, February 2022
- Caregivers in Alberta: Economic costs and contributions and Caregivers in Alberta: Impact on well-being, December 2021
- Caregivers’ experiences with technology: How does technology help caregivers, April 2021
- Improving caregivers’ everyday lives through digital technology, April 2020
- Caregivers in Nova Scotia: Economic costs and contributions, and Caregivers in Nova Scotia: impact on well-being, January 2020
- Caregivers in Quebec: Economic costs and contributions, and Caregivers in Quebec: impact on well-being, May 2020
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“This project has set a standard for writing that has guided my work.”