Snapshots of aging

Snapshots of aging are intended for key stakeholders, such as older adults and caregivers, along with the community organizations and government ministries that serve and support them.  We co-create accessible knowledge mobilization products with partners in a variety of formats: insight articles, infographics, videos, FACT sheets, blog posts, and podcasts. While these products are available for your use (without permission or compensation for the use of our work), the source must be appropriately acknowledged and referenced as per a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Insight articles

We wrote a blog to recognize carers in Canada and understand their barriers to technology adoption for Advancing Policies and Practices in Technology and Aging (APPTA), AGE-WELL's national policy innovation hub in Fredericton.  Andrew Magnaye, one of our doctoral students, reflected on the APPTA Policy Challenge in his blog post Uncovering the Black Box Between Research and Policy. Janet Fast and Myles Leslie (University of Calgary) were featured in an APPTA Mileage Podcast on Goals vs Needs, What Caregivers Want.


Infographics are two-page snapshots highlighting evidence-based key messages explicitly created for caregiver organizations, education and outreach programs, policy analysts, and other community members.


Videos are often co-created with or used by partners for educational and outreach purposes. Here are some of our video creations posted on the AGE-WELL WP2 YouTube Channel:


FACT Sheets

FACT sheets are 4-page research briefs that are topical and intended for a policy and practice audience. Many of these briefs synthesize and integrate research findings across projects.